The Social Proof add-on in Groundhogg utilizes past user actions to increase conversion rates on your lead capture pages. By showcasing what other users have done, this feature creates a sense of trust that motivates new visitors to take action.
Highlight Previous User Actions
Showcase actions such as recent sign-ups, purchases, or downloads from previous users. This visible record of user activity builds trust and encourages others to follow suit, making your lead capture pages more persuasive.
Easy to Build and Mobile Responsive
Creating and customizing social proof notifications is straightforward with Groundhogg’s tools. The extension is mobile-responsive, ensuring your social proof elements look great and function seamlessly on all devices, capturing attention no matter where your users are.
Create Trust and Boost Conversions
By highlighting recent user actions, you generate a sense of trust and FOMO, prompting potential customers to act quickly. This psychological trigger can significantly boost your conversion rates, leading to increased sales and engagement.
With the Social Proof extension, you can leverage past user activity to build trust, create urgency, and drive more conversions on your lead capture pages.